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How Pest Control Services Can Double Their Revenue Using Digital Marketing

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With the pest control market expected to grow to $29 billion by 2026,there’s ample opportunity for businesses to flourish. Unfortunately, competition is fierce, and the “old guard” of marketing is no longer as effective as it once was.

Instead, in 2024 (and beyond), your pest control business must leverage proven digital marketing strategies. However, with a lot of noise and unnecessary confusion—knowing what works and how to deploy it while you run your business—can be a huge headache.

In this blog post, you’ll discover how to leverage proven digital marketing strategies to double your revenue and build a loyal customer base that creates financial (and lifestyle) freedom.

Whether you are just starting or have been in the industry for years, leveraging these trending strategies will position your business for significant growth.

Let’s dive into these actionable steps and strategies.

Strategy #1: User-Generated Content (UGC)

User-generated content, or UGC for short, is exploding. In fact, by 2033, nearly 80% of online content will be user-generated. As it sounds, UGC content relies on consumers to provide organic marketing material instead of businesses. These include testimonials, reviews, compilations, tips, how-to guides and more.

Pest Control Action Step: Create a UGC Campaign

1. Incentivize Reviews. Offer discounts or small incentives for customers who leave positive reviews or share their experience using user-generated media, including pictures, videos or text.

2. Feature customer testimonials and success stories. This builds credibility and encourages new customers to trust your service by seeing “real” homeowners just like them using your business.

Example: Create a monthly contest where customers can share before and after pictures of their pest-free homes with a hashtag specific to your brand. Reward the top 3 submissions with a free month of services or a special discount.

Strategy #2: Branded Memberships and Subscriptions

Offering memberships and subscription plans can provide a steady revenue stream and ensure customer retention. This isn’t new for the pest control industry, where regular maintenance is often required.

However, take your membership to the next level by branding it with powerful packaging that makes it a “no brainer” for customers to enroll. Then, you can use other digital marketing strategies to market your membership in a way your competition isn’t doing.

Pest Control Action Step: Develop a Branded Membership Program

1. Tiered Memberships. Create different levels of membership plans (e.g., Basic, Premium, and Elite) with varying benefits and price points. Ensure each level hits a unique sector of your target demographic and “sells” them on each feature by clearly explaining benefits.

2. Regular Check-ups. Offer monthly or quarterly check-ups as part of the membership to keep homes pest-free year-round.

Example: A premium membership could include unlimited emergency visits, quarterly check-ups, and discounts on additional services. You can even connect with other home services businesses (e.g., pool service, landscaping, etc.) to offer your customers 15% off their services.

By getting creative with your memberships, you can boost your recurring income and lock in customers for longer periods of time while making them excited to be part of your program.

Strategy #3: Facebook Ads and Social Media Marketing

Leveraging Facebook and other social media platforms is a great way to target specific demographics and geographic areas. Furthermore, you can target prospects at every stage of interest, from those who are looking for “more information” to those who are dealing with an emergency pest situation.

By understanding every touchpoint of the customer journey, you can leverage high-value creatives, copywriting and CTAs (Call-To-Actions) that stand out from your competitors and make you a top choice.

Pest Control Action Step: Launch Targeted Facebook Ad Campaigns

1. Custom Audiences. Use Facebook’s targeting options to create custom audiences based on location, interests, and behaviors.

2. Retargeting Ads. Implement retargeting ads to reach people who have previously visited your website or engaged with your social media posts.

3. Custom Landing Pages. Use Facebook Ads to send prospects to custom landing pages based on their unique needs. For example, one can be to download a free guide called “What New Homeowners Can’t Afford to Miss When Hiring Pest Control Services (Or Else)” and another can be more direct to get a free quote or 20% off their first service.

Example: Create engaging video ads demonstrating your pest control services in action. Target these ads to homeowners within your service area, and use compelling calls to action to drive leads to your website or contact form. Focus on before-and-after content and ensure you create unique landing pages based on your customers’ intent.

Strategy #4: Local SEO and Online Listings

When it comes to pest control, few things are as valuable as improving your local search engine optimization (SEO). Why? It ensures prospects searching for pest control services in your area see you at the top of their search rankings.

This can also include relevant online directories that can significantly increase your visibility and attract more local customers.

Pest Control Action Step: Optimize Your Online Presence

1. Google My Business. Ensure your Google My Business profile is complete and optimized with accurate information, photos, and customer reviews. Keep it up to date, post updates and add high-value media.

2. Local Keywords. Use local keywords in your website content, blog posts, and meta descriptions to improve your search rankings. Leverage backlinks from strategic alliances or other publications that boost your rankings.

Example: write blog posts, downloadable PDFs or even a video series that address common pest control issues in your area, using keywords like “best pest control service in [Your City]” to drive more local traffic to your website, blog or landing pages.

Strategy #5: Targeted Email Marketing

Email marketing is still king. Why? Because no matter what people say, checking our inboxes is a daily habit that most people still engage in and consider a personal matter.

In other words, it’s the best way to directly communicate with prospects and customers. Regularly sending informative and engaging emails keep your customers informed about your services and special offers.

Pest Control Action Step: Develop an Email Marketing Strategy

1. High-Value Monthly Newsletters. Send monthly newsletters with pest control tips, seasonal advice, and updates about your services. Make these unique and fun to read and use storytelling and copywriting to make them stand out versus boring corporate newsletters.

2. Automated Campaigns. Set up automated email campaigns to follow up with leads, remind customers of appointments, and ask for feedback after services. Use the same principles as above to stand out, speak to your customers’ problems and continue to position your pest control business as their trusted expert.

Example: Create an email series for new customers that introduces them to your services, shares customer testimonials, and offers a discount on their next service.

Create a deadline for them to claim their special offer, i.e., 20% off their first service, but only if they book within 7 days. During those 7 days, you’ll automatically drip them emails that compel them to take action.

The Future Of Marketing is Digital

Times have changed. Traditional marketing techniques will no longer sway the next generation of homeowners who need pest control services. Instead, they’ll respond to digital marketing strategies based on their unique behaviors and habits.

From leveraging UGC to branded memberships, captivating email marketing and targeted Facebook ads, each of these tactics can drive significant growth for your business.

However, if you’re anything like our other clients, you’re likely too busy to plan, launch, track and refine these campaigns. You may even believe they’re not worth your time (or the classic “this won’t work in my niche” statement.)

That’s where Slamdot’s team of performance-obsessed marketers comes in.

Unlike most agencies, we only work with home service businesses who want to delegate their marketing so they can focus on what they do best: deliver for their customers. If you’re interested in learning how we can grow your leads, boost your conversions and make you the obvious option in your local area, request a fast quote today!

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